LEVEL control and monitoring instrumentation we offer the wider range of components, instruments, sensors, meters and solutions for liquids and bulk solids level control, monitor and measurement
VISUAL SIGHT LEVEL GAUGES for hydraulic oil, diesel and compatible liquids
TL compact visual level
TL/E compact level with switch
LV universal nylon visual level
LV/T level with internal thermometer
LV/TS level with external thermometer
LV/E1 visual level with min switch
LV/E2 level with min & max switches
LV/E-S level with adjustable switches
LV/E1-S min & adjustable swithes
LVC analog 4-20mA & switches
LV/M mini visual level
LV/M-76-S1 mini visual with switch
LUN nylon visual level
LMU aluminium / S.S. visual level
LMU-IE2 with min & max switches
ADJUSTABLE RAPID LEVEL SWITCHES for clean and dirty liquids
IMSTFR adjustable level switch
RL/G1 one rod rapid level switch
RL/G2 two rods rapid level switch
RL/AT-G1 one rod S.S. level switch
RL/AT-G2 two rods S.S. level switch
MG mini plastic level switch
RL/M12 M12 threaded level switch
RL/G1-MAXI up to 3 meters adjustable rod
RL/V visual indicator rapid level
ELECTROMAGNETIC FLOAT LEVEL SWITCHES single or multipoint in brass, plastic and stainless steel
P200 mini low-cost PP level switch
IEG-1 / IEG-2 / IEG-S nylon brass NBR mini switch
IEG-FCV3 PP PVDF mini leveL switch
IEG-INOX-FD-3061 S.S. 1/8" mini level switch
IEG-INOX-FDSA S.S. 100mm level switch
IEG-INOX-1/8 - 1/4 S.S. mini level switch
IEG-INOX-3/8 S.S. 3/8" mini level switch
IEG-TC / TCMM 1/2 1/2" float level switches
IEG-TC / TCMM 3/4 3/4" float level switches
IEG-TC / TCMM 1" float level switches
IEG-NF / MMF flanged float level switches
IEG-LV adjustable level switches
IEG-MV minimum + empty switches
IEG-TC1+T / N1F+T level switch with thermostat
IEG-U adjustable kit level switches
IEG-M12 multipoint switchM12 plug
IEG-MP multipoint float level switch
IEG-PVC-1/2 1/2" PVC float level switch
IEG-PVC-MP multipoint PVC level switch
IEG-INOX-TC 1" S.S. float level switches
IEG-INOX-N flanged S.S. float level switches
IEG-INOX-MP multipoint S.S. level switch
IEG-PVC-1/2 1/2" PVC float level switch
HORIZONTAL FLOAT LEVEL SWITCHES plastic, brass, and stainless steel
IEG-FCH11 PDA 03 mini PP level switch
IEG-FCH21 PDA 03 mini PP level switch
IEG-FCH23 FDA 03 mini PDF level switch
IEG-FCH51 PDA 03 1/2" mini PP level switch
IEG-FCH53 FDA 03 1/2" mini PVDF switch
IMSLS-3612 1/2" S.S. mini level switch
IMSLKN-3610H 1/2" S.S. 200°C switch
RL/L-P PA flanged switch
RL/L-F PVDF flanged switch
IEG-INOX-FD 3062 S.S. 1/8" level switch
IEG-G1F / IEG-G2F flanged level switches
IEG-GMFF two points flanged switch
S50-S 1" brass & S.S. level switch
RL/G1-L adjustable rapid switch
HFS ATEX S.S. horizontal lead wires level switch
HFS-DIN ATEX S.S. horizontal DIN connectorilevel switch
B933 ATEX stainless steel flanget level switch
PNEUMATIC LEVEL SWITCHES single point air operated level switches
RL/PN pneumatic adjustable level switch
PL02 pneumatic S.S. flanged level switch
CONDUCTIVE LEVEL SWITCHES floatless switches for conductive liquids
200 relay level switch
201 level relay switch with delay
RAL11 2 relays level switch
RAL12 relay level switch with safe
RAL13 relay level switch with delay
390 3/8" electrode holder 180°C/25Bar
395 1/2" electrode holder 250°C/25Bar
396 1/2" electrode holder 311°C/100Bar
010 cable pendant conductive probe
PS3 3 rods electrode probe
RL3 multirod electrode probe
600 1"G S.S. multirod electrode probe
710 1"G S.S. multirod electrode probe
RL6 multirod electrode prober
RL8 multirod electrode probe
LKL ATEX multirod electrode probe
KFA6 ATEX relay level switch
CAPACITIVE LEVEL SWITCHES limit level control for liquids and solids
DLS-35 capacitive level switches for liquids and bulk solids
DLS-27 capacitive level switches for liquids and bulk solids
CLS-23 capacitive level switches for liquids and bulk solids
IMR OEM version S.S. rod NBR float
LG4 up to 1500mm mA & V output
LG4V with display up to 1500mm mA output
DLF-8980 S.S digital level transmitter
IEG-GCL-A brass reed chain level transmitter
IEG-GCL S.S. level transmitter
IEG-PVC-GCL PVC level transmitter
HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE LEVEL TRANSMITTERS threaded and submersible level transmitters